About Me/Review Policy

Hi, my name is Cassandra and I'm a bookaholic.

I live in Auckland, New Zealand with my fiance, son and daughter. I have always been a bookworm. I am a stay home mother and I love sitting down and read a good book with a cup of tea in between household jobs and looking after my son.

The blog was set up in June 2016 because I wanted to share my thoughts and opinions on the books I read. I also want to help promote new books. As well as posting the review on my blog, I also copy the review onto Goodreads, Amazon and B&N.

In December 2016 I started to do Cover Reveals and Blitzes. My prices are $20 for a cover reveal, $25 for a blitz.

The main genres that I tend to read are Romance, Paranormal, Contemporary and YA. I have started reading Erotica. I also read Children's books with my kids as they loves books like me.

If you would like me to review a book please e-mail me at cexleybooks@gmail.com and include the book title, the name of the author, the book genre and a blurb/description.

25 March 2022 I am only reading ARCs for the ARC teams I am on due to personal reasons.

1 comment:

  1. Hi - Are you reviewing books again? I wanted to recommend The Plummery Collection by Merry Sparrow.
